This particular list does not intend to
blame Mother Nature for the various disasters that happen across the
world. This particular list is compiled from the disasters that were
man-made or essentially it was human fault. Nonetheless, the list
features terrible disasters. The list does not include tragedies that
resulted from war because that would be a completely different list.
Also, what you should know is that in order to keep your interest
heightened; the list does not focus on one specific type of disaster
which is to say that you will find diversity. If you feel like there
should have been something added to the list please feel free to let us
know. I hope this list serves educative.

This is considered as the deadliest aviation accident. It happened on
27t March in 1977 and the collision took place at 5:07 pm. Many planes
were directed to the Tenerife North Airport and that included the KLM
Flight 4805 and Pan Am Flight 1736. Both of these planes were Boeing
747’s. Both the planes taxied onto the runway for taking off. The fog
was thick so the planes could not see each other and the control tower
too was not visible. KLM flight was given clearance towards a departure
route. They were also given instructions of what to do after the
take-off although they were not cleared for take-off. The KLM flight
increased speed for take-off. Both the flights were running for take-off
when the pilots spotted each other’s planes. KLM attempted a steep
climb, they stalled and came down 500 feet and slid 1000 feet. The
planes collided and the total death toll reached to around 583.

This was an iron and coal mine located in Liaoning China. Japanese
invaded this mine during the Second World War and induced forced labor
on the people. On the 26th April in 1942 a build-up of gas
caused an explosion. Huge flames burst from the entrance. The Japanese
guards fled from the site. The shafts were cleaned over the next ten
days. Many people had died because of the explosion and excessive
inhaling of CO (Carbon monoxide). The total death toll to be reported
was 1,549 and that included 31 Japanese.

This is considered to be the world’s largest man-made accidental explosion. It happened on 6th
December in 1917. Imo collided with the Mont-Blanc as it attempted to
leave the channel. Mont-Blanc was carrying 2,300 tons of wet and dry
picric acid, 200 tons of TNT, 10 tons of gun cotton and 35 tons of
benzoyl (explosive mixture). The collision happened at 8:44 am. The crew
on Mont-Blanc abandoned the ship and within twenty minutes of the
collision it exploded with 3 kilotons of force (1/5th force of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima). An 18m high tsunami hit the shores. A total of 1,950 people died in this accident.

This is considered as the worst fire disaster in the history of mankind. It occurred in Santiago, Chile and the date was 8th
December 1863. The Church was celebrating the Feast of Immaculate
Conception when a veil draping caught fire from a nearby gas lamp. An
onlooker attempted to extinguish the fire by using another cloth and
because of that the fire spread to the roof. The doors could not be
opened because the Church was fully packed. Many people died because of
choking on smoke and after three hours of fire, the roof collapsed
killing the remaining people. The incident is estimated to have killed
around 2,000 to 3,000 people. It took ten days to remove all the bodies
from the Church.

The deadliest ferry disaster to ever happen in the world happened on the 20th
December in the year 1987. En Route to Manila in the Philippines was
the MV Dona Paz. It was carrying around 1,582 people in crew and 58
other staff members. It collided with an oil tanker MT Vector. The
tanker was carrying 8,800 barrels of gasoline. Vector caught fire upon
collision (obviously) and the flames rapidly spread throughout the ship.
The passengers jumped overboard without lifejackets because none were
available. A total of 26 people were rescued from the choppy waters
including two crew members of the Vector. Around 1,749 to 4,341 people
are reported to have died in the disaster.

Japanese Army conducted 5,000 bombing runs on the city of Chongqing
in China. 11,500 bombs were dropped. These bombings targeted schools,
hospitals and residential areas. Around 2,500 people suffocated while
waiting for the bombings to end. There is a museum in remembrance of
these people. Every 5th June an air raid siren is sounded as a
tribute to the people who lost their lives. The total death toll was
around 2,500 to 4,000.

London has attracted pollution since the industrial revolution. One
of the extreme polluted events happened in 1952. The event is referred
to as ‘The Great Smog of ‘52’. It lasted for five days in the beginning
of December. The winters were cold and people burned a lot of coal that
resulted in extreme emissions of Sulphur Dioxide. That mixed with fumes
from diesel car exhausts and the winds that blew all across Europe
caused this smog. The result was the death of around 4,000 to 12,000

In the year 1984 around 2nd and 3rd December,
the Union Carbide pesticide plant leaked Methyl Isocyanate (MIC). It
happened in Bhopal, India. A tank contained 42 tons of MIC and it leaked
because of some water that entered the tank. The water initiated a
chemical reaction that raised the temperature above 200 degrees. It
increased the pressure and therefore the leak. Exposure to MIC resulted
in coughing, vomiting and a sense of suffocation. The leak killed around
16,000 to 30,000 people.

The collapse took place in 27AD. It happened in Fidenae which is an
ancient town close to Rome, Italy. It seated around 50,000 people. It
collapsed during the opening ceremony and killed around 20,000 people.
It is considered to be the worst stadium disaster in the history of
mankind. Atilius who built this amphitheatre was banished from the
Empire. The Roman Senate passed a law that only citizens with wealth
exceeding 400,000 sesterces would be allowed to host such games.

This dam was built in 1952 to control the flooding in Huai River
Basin in Henan province, China. It provided the region with 18GW of
power. Cracks appeared in the construction soon after completion and
they were repaired under Soviet engineer’s guidance. It was known as
‘The Iron Dam’. It could withstand 300mm of rain however; in August 1975
the area had 1060mm of rain. The dam broke and 78,800 tons of water per
second burst out of it. Around 26,000 to 230,000 people died.
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