Following on from our popular Top 10 Conspiracy Theories list,
we are now presenting you with another 10. While the theories on this
list may not be as well known as the first list, I think many of them
are a lot more interesting. So, without further ado, another 10
conspiracy theories.
10. Paul is Dead

“Paul is dead” is an urban legend alleging that Paul McCartney of the
British rock band The Beatles died in 1966 and was replaced by a
look-alike and sound-alike. Evidence for McCartney’s death consists of
“clues” found among the Beatles’ many recordings, most of which are
treated as if they were deliberately placed by The Beatles or others.
Literally hundreds have been cited at various times by various people.
They include statements allegedly heard when a song is played backwards,
symbolism found in obscure lyrics, and ambiguous imagery on album
covers. A few of them are well known, such as the fact that McCartney is
the only barefooted Beatle and is out of step with the others on the
cover of Abbey Road.
9. Pan Am Flight 103

Pan Am Flight 103 was Pan American World Airways’ third daily
scheduled transatlantic flight from London’s Heathrow International
Airport to New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport. On
Wednesday December 21, 1988, the aircraft flying this route—a Boeing
747-121 named Clipper Maid of the Seas—was destroyed by a bomb. The
remains landed in and around the town of Lockerbie in southern Scotland.
A theory for which no evidence has been produced suggests that the U.S.
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had set up a protected drug route
from Europe to the United States—allegedly called Operation Corea—which
allowed Syrian drug dealers, led by Monzer al-Kassar (who was involved
with Oliver North in the Iran-Contra scandal) to ship heroin to the U.S.
using Pan Am flights, in exchange for intelligence on Palestinian
groups based in Syria. The CIA allegedly protected the suitcases
containing the drugs and made sure they were not searched. On the day of
the bombing, as the theory goes, terrorists exchanged suitcases: one
with drugs for one with a bomb. Another version of this theory is that
the CIA knew in advance this exchange would take place, but let it
happen anyway, because the protected drugs route was a rogue operation,
and the American intelligence officers on PA 103 – Matthew Gannon and
Maj. Charles McKee – had found out about it, and were on their way to
Washington to tell their superiors.
8. Peak Oil is a Lie

There are theories that the “Peak Oil” concept is a fraud concocted
by the oil industries to increase prices amid concerns about future
supplies. The oil industry supposedly is aware of vast reserves of
untapped oil, but does not utilize them, so that they can maintain the
illusion of artificial scarcity. Parallels are drawn between this and
the diamond industry, where it is recognized that a monopoly cabal
maintain an illusion of artificial scarcity of diamonds, in order to
increase their value.
7. AIDS is Manmade

There are claims that AIDS is a man-made disease (i.e. created by
scientists in a laboratory). Some of these theories allege that HIV was
created by a conspiratorial group or by a secretive agency such as the
CIA. It is thought to have been created as a tool of genocide and/or
population control. Other theories suggest that the virus was created as
an experiment in biological and/or psychological warfare, and then
escaped into the population at large by accident. Some who believe that
HIV was a government creation see a precedent for it in the Tuskegee
syphilis study, in which government-funded researchers deceptively
denied treatment to black patients infected with a sexually transmitted
disease. It has been claimed that the CIA deliberately administered the
HIV virus to African Americans and homosexuals in the 1970s, via tainted
hepatitis vaccinations. Groups such as the New Black Panther Party and
Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam assert that this was part of a plan to
destroy the black race. Others claim that it was administered in Africa
as a way of crippling the development of that continent.
6. Water Fluoridation

Fluoride is commonly added to drinking water in the United States and
other countries. It is usually justified by drawing attention to the
positive benefits to teeth, reducing tooth decay. There is evidence to
suggest that fluoridating the water supply may be harmful for those
using it, particularly children. There are conspiracy theories that this
information is known and recognised by those responsible for adding the
fluoride, but that they continue the practice regardless. Drug
companies have been targetted as possible beneficiaries, as they will
profit from a population with ill-health. Another motive that has been
suggested relates to the evidence suggesting that fluoride lowers mental
ability: that fluoridation is, by design, used to “dumb down” the
5. Drug Company Deceptions

A popular conspiracy theory suggests that drug companies are
intentionally not producing cures for a variety of diseases (such as
AIDS and cancer) because they profit so heavily from the drugs used to
treat the symptoms of these illnesses. Additionally, other medical
conspiracies charge that the pharmaceutical companies are in league with
some medical practicioners to ‘invent’ new diseases, such as ADD, ADHD
in order to increase the userbase of their medications. While most
people consider the drug companies to be the primary drivers in this
deception, some believe that there is also government involvement due to
tax revenues.
4. Chemtrails

The Chemtrail conspiracy theory claims that some trails left behind
jet aircraft are different in appearance and quality from those of
normal contrails, may be composed of harmful chemicals, and are being
deliberately produced, and covered up by the government. These unusual
trails are referred to as “chemtrails” (a portmanteau of “chemical
trails”). The term specifically refers to systematic, high-altitude
dumping of unknown substances for undisclosed purposes, resulting in the
appearance of these unusual contrails. Chemtrail advocates say these
trails are often laid down in patterns, such as grids, Xs and
3. The Everlasting Light Bulb

Almost since the beginning of the light bulb there have been theories
that state that technology relating to an everlasting light bulb is
being suppressed in order to keep a strong hold on the profit margins of
the bulb manufacturers. This theory has been given some weight due to
the Phoebus Cartel which was a cartel of, among others, Osram, Philips
and General Electric from December 23, 1924 until 1939 that existed to
control the manufacture and sale of light bulbs. The cartel reduced
competition in the light bulb industry for almost twenty years. The
cartel has featured in fictional works which makes the line between fact
and fiction difficult to discern.
2. Iraq – a War for Oil

In recent times, wars in the Middle East such as the Gulf War and the
invasion of Iraq have been described as wars for oil. In many cases,
critics have accused the U.S. of engaging in realpolitik in the cynical
sense of political action without regard for principle or morals. It has
been suggested that war is a perfect way of distracting citizens, as an
electoral tactic, from difficulties facing the then current
administration. This premise is the basis of the film Wag the Dog, and
the Orwell novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.
1. The New World Order

This popular conspiracy theory claims that a small group of
international elites controls and manipulates governments, industry and
media organisations worldwide. The primary tool they use to dominate
nations is the system of central banking. They are said to have funded
and in some cases caused most of the major wars of the last 200 years,
primarily through carrying out false flag attacks to manipulate
populations into supporting them, and have a grip on the world economy,
deliberately causing inflation and depressions at will. The people
behind the New World Order are thought to be international bankers, in
particular the owners of the private banks in the Federal Reserve
System, Bank of England and other central banks, and members of the
Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg
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