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Top 10 Video Game Chicks

In this day and age, the variety of female characters in video games is astonishing. They come in many forms. Sometimes they are benevolent heroines and sometimes they are really sexy villains that spell your doom. Then again, they can also be your PDA sidekicks if you will, with hot-sounding voices that tell you where to go and what to do as you track through locales in first-person mode.
Whatever the case, you know that the games industry would be a dull(er) place if it weren't for these curvy objects of geek fantasies.
Yep, we've finally gotten around to selecting the most gorgeous choices of digital ladies. Believe me, it wasn't an easy task. There was a vast number of hot polygonal models to choose from, most of which really deserve to be in the list (or mentioned at least). Sadly, not many heroines can measure up to the charisma and beauty of icons like, Lara Croft or Cate Archer, so, naturally, the list was narrowed down. So, without further ado, we present our choice of the 10 most exciting females that kept us company during all these years of gaming.

10. Rayne - Bloodrayne

You simply cannot beat a sexy red-haired Dhampir. No really, you can't. Rayne, a.k.a. Agent BloodRayne, is the central female character of Terminal Reality's action adventure series, BloodRayne. Don't know if any of you actually remember, but it was suggested at one time that the character of BloodRayne was originally supposed to be Svetlana Lupescu, a Dhampir from Terminal Reality's title, Nocturne. This supernatural huntress had a human mother and vampire father and she represented one of the key characters in the game. In fact, early game art showed that BloodRayne looked almost exactly like Svetlana (being a vampire-slaying chick with twin blades). At some point, rumors indicated that the final outline of BloodRayne's character might've been partially inspired by Durham Red from the long-running British comic-book series Strontium Dog (though this was denied by Terminal Reality). When the original BloodRayne title came out, the game itself received average scores, while the charming lead character met with a favorable response from gamers. The sequel made a greater impact and was seen as an improvement both technically and gameplay wise. The character of BloodRayne eventually made it to the big-screen, but alas, Uwe Boll took the director's chair and... you know the rest.

Also, did you know that Rayne is the very first video game character to appear in Playboy Magazine (issue October 2004 - U.S. edition), as part of a feature entitled, Gaming Grows Up. Some pretty provocative pictures in that one, should you care to flex your Googling skills.

9. Nariko - Heavenly Sword

Meet Nariko, a relative new-comer to the gaming world. Nariko takes center stage in SCE's recently released PS3 title, Heavenly Sword. She wields a mighty weapon called the "Heavenly Sword," which alters into one of three forms depending on the attack stance used by the player. According to the game's plot, this sizzling red-haired female warrior has only a few days to live and she embarks on one final act of redemption against a king and his invading army. It was said that the "Heavenly Sword" slowly drains the life force of its wielder (if he or she is a mortal). King Bohan, who's obsessed with the Sword, begins a merciless campaign against Nariko and her people, so he can snatch the weapon for himself. So, in addition to looking positively gorgeous, Nariko has a righteous streak and knows the meaning of the world "honor." At the risk of losing her own life, she uses the powerful weapon to take vengeance upon King Bohan and his army.

Oh and did we mention that she's positively gorgeous, and possibly one of the most expressive video game characters to date?

We did?

The breakthrough facial capture technology comes courtesy of Weta Digital Ltd in New Zealand, the special effects company behind such movie blockbusters as The Lord of the Rings trilogy and King Kong.

8. Alyx Vance - Half-Life 2

Gordon Freeman, the central character of Valve's shooter series, Half-Life, should feel lucky to have someone like Alyx Vance by his side. Before the incident at the Black Mesa Research Facility, Gordon lived a tranquil, number-crunching life of a scientist, but his existence quickly transformed into a devilish nightmare involving nasty-looking aliens and the G-Man. Still, it's not all bad. In Half-Life , Gordon runs into Alyx, daughter of his friend and esteemed colleague, Dr. Eli Vance. To our disappointment, Alyx shies away from skinny outfits, albeit her enthusiasm and spunk (He said 'spunk.' - Ed) can still charm the hell out of any poor old scientist with a crowbar (or any old geek with a gamepad). With the release of Half-Life 2 and Half-Life: Episode One, Alyx became one of the most adored female characters on the gaming scene. She was also one of the first characters to demonstrate the superb facial animation, brought to life with Valve's Source engine. (Facials are important. - Ed) Alyx is pretty damn good in a fight. The pistol is usually her weapon of choice, although on a few occasions she also wielded shotguns and sniper rifles. Pretty much like Freeman himself, Alyx's fate is yet to be determined, which is why we impatiently await the release of Half-Life 2: Episode Two (and hopefully Ep. Three).

7. Tina Armstrong - Dead or Alive Series

Tina Armstrong and all the delightful girls from the popular Dead or Alive series should by all means be regarded as some of the hottest female characters ever created (if you're into commercial Japanese art that is). For this occasion, however, we've singled-out Tina Armstrong. Tina is one of the three DOA babes that appeared in every installment in the series (the other two being, Kasumi and Lei-Fang). She's more than your average girl, ya know. In the United Stated, Tina is a true wrestling star, though her ambitions and dreams go beyond that. By participating in the Dead or Alive tournament, she hoped to someday be recognized as a supermodel. Unfortunately, her father, Bass, wouldn't allow it, which is why he joined the tournament himself. Eventually, having been defeated by her father, Tina changed her aspiration of becoming a model to being an actress. After that, a new dream ensued - being a rock star. During combat, Tina usually uses classic wrestling moves, including powerful throws, as well as arm and leg jams (who wouldn't want to be caught in her leg jam, eh?). Tina last appeared in Xbox titles DoA: Xtreme Beach Volleyball and DoA: Xtreme 2. On a quick side note, both games were widely criticized for lackluster design and tedious gameplay. If I'm not much mistaken, even the breast physics was regarded as flawed.

6. Catherine Ann Archer - No One Lives Forever

Catherine Ann Archer, better known to the world as Cate Archer, is your ultimate badass chick, extremely adept at kicking villain butt. The character of Cate Archer comes from the imagination of well-known development team, Monolith Productions. In the No One Lives Forever series, Cate is portrayed as a gorgeous well-trained operative, fiercely intelligent and extremely competent in carrying out her often deadly assignments. Born in Scotland in late March, 1942, Cate, sadly, couldn't rely much on her parents, so she became self-sufficient very early on. Eventually, she became a member of UNITY, an international organization formed to fight terrorism throughout the globe. During her intense career, Cate had to undergo numerous perils, but in the process she mastered many skills. She also wields a variety of weapons, including katanas, rifles, pistols and a wide range of high-tech gadgets. So, I should think it's obvious why Miss Archer ended up in this list. Apart from being one of most attractive game heroines out there, she's the female equivalent of James Bond and not many chicks can stand up to that. She's sexy and there's simply nothing she can't handle.

5. Elexis Sinclaire - SiN Episodes: Emergence

Here's an interesting profile of one very attractive vixen. Although she initially appeared in Ritual Entertainment's shooter SiN (1998), her more refined look in SiN: Episodes: Emergence , definitely made a lasting impression on most of the AT staff. Elexis' curvy physique - yet another courtesy of Valve's Source engine -- easily squeezed her into fifth place. Oh and in case you didn't know, Elexis is a leading biochemist and CEO of the SiNtek corporation. She's a femme fatale to say the least, and she generally caused all sorts of trouble for SiN: Episodes' lead character Colonel John Blade, who's mostly obsessed with bringing her to justice. Regardless, of her truly evil streak, most men will go weak at the knees when beholding Elexis.

4. Farah - Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

When Ubisoft revived the good old Prince of Persia character with Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, a new hot icon was born - a nimble young lady, named Farah. This extremely attractive female specimen is the Maharajah's daughter and frequently aids the Prince in his death-defying journeys. Whenever he's stuck some place, Farah is usually there to provide a solution. Farah also managed to fit triumphantly into fourth place, regardless of the stiff competition (if you'll pardon the expression). She's one of the rare characters actually worthy to be among great names like Lara Croft. Thanks to the efforts of the animation team at Ubi and the help of people like John Mechner (the creator of the original PoP game), characters like Farah move and act convincingly. Many animators in the industry should follow this example. Luckily, the quality of animation was preserved both in PoP: Warrior Within and PoP: The Two Thrones.

3. Rachel - Ninja Gaiden  

Seductive and lethal, Rachel is a particularly fine sample of game babeness. Those who played Ninja Gaiden and Ninja Gaiden Sigma should know what we mean. Rachel is a sexy huntress with blood that gives her abnormal strength and she's also able to sense the presence of so-called Fiends, which she frequently dispatches with her powerful demon-slaying warhammer, a very serious-looking whip and blades. In Tecmo's Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Rachel becomes a playable character and this time she looks better than ever. Well, after carefully "studying" the character, it would seem that she's more than qualified to position herself amongst the most attractive female game characters. Taking one close look at her would make a dead man dance with joy - chalk it up to the sexy outfits and amazing cleavage. Another great job by the gents and ladies at Tecmo.

2. Ada Wong - Resident Evil Series

You wouldn't want to mess with Ada Wong. This mysterious American female (of Chinese descent) made her initial appearance in Capcom's title, Resident Evil 2, where she assisted the male protagonist, Leon Kennedy. In the second installment of the popular horror-themed series, Ada was a playable character. In Resident Evil 4, which takes place six years after RE 2, Ada returns, but in the end her seductiveness and deception proved to be too much for Leon. Throughout the game she presented herself as an ally, while hiding her true objective, which was to retrieve a sample of the Las Plagas parasite. Ada is a wicked, foxy chick and what's even cooler, she knows how to kick ass. Yes, kicking ass in what's probably one of the sexiest dresses I've ever seen (we offer proof) is certainly one of the main prerequisites for being second on our list. Those who are familiar with her arrogant nature and combat skills know it's often best to just stay out of her way. Still, she's a temptress you absolutely cannot say "no" to.

1. Lara Croft - Tomb Raider

All things considered, we seriously tried to avoid putting Lara Croft in the top of the list, but it was no use. The odds were definitely in her favor and most of us here at the AT office agree (I don't. - 2Lions) that, when it comes to pure bloody hotness, Lara Croft still hasn't met her match. When Eidos and Core Design made the first Tomb Raider title, they probably never expected Lara to evolve into such a massively worshipped game character. Mind you, it's obvious that the main inspiration for Lara's creation came from daring characters like Indiana Jones. Born on Feb.14th, 1968, in Wimbledon, London, Lara Croft is the daughter of Lord Richard Croft and Amelia Croft. She's the 11th Countess of the Croft Estates, which include three separate manor houses. Brought up in the snug world of aristocracy, wealth and privilege, Lara was able to get private tutoring. Later, she became a renowned archaeologist with an admirable taste for adventure. Wielding dual pistols is without a doubt her best asset (yeah, yeah, pistols, right - 2Lions), when she's out exploring ancient tombs and hunting for hidden treasures. We've all been with her, as she passed through many dangers. Whether she's shimming across cliff edges or kicking the living daylights out of some poor monster, Lara has always maintained her poise and gracefulness. To watch her climb, swing and jump through some of the most deadly locations on Earth, is never a dreary experience. Plus, her boobs look better with each game, and after Crystal Dynamics' TR: Legend and TR: Anniversary, we have high hopes for Lara's future adventures.

Speaking of Lara's boobs (our favorite subject), it should be noted that at one point in the heroine's rich history, the character received a new look. Supposedly, the idea was to adjust her appearance and to make her character generally more "reserved," in order to appeal more to female gamers. Subsequently, her breasts were to get a size reduction. "Lara's been on a diet and she's definitely gone down a cup size, but she's still quite well proportioned," said Toby Gard, the original creator of the Lara character, who also worked on its revised versions in TR: Legends and TR: Anniversary. The overall toning down of Lara's model subsequently involved her calf muscles and some other subtle touches to her physique.

Runners Up

Well kids, we're about to wrap things up, but before we do, we'd like you to know that these lovely ladies were also considered, but never actually made it into the list:

- Cybil Bennett (Silent Hill)
- Mona Sax (Max Payne)
- Tala (Darkwatch)
- Samus Aran (Metroid)
- Buffy (Buffy: The Vampire Slayer)
- Joanna Dark (Perfect Dark)
- Bastila Shan (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic)
- Jessica McCarney (Dead Rising)

Now, we know there are still plenty of hotties out there we haven't mentioned and if you think they should be in the list, feel free to name them in our comments section.

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