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Chilling Final Photos of Murder Victims Taken by Their Killers

Many serial killers take photos of their victims–both dead and alive–to keep a record of their work, to refer to later for self-pleasure, and sometimes to taunt police. Here are a few images taken by serial killers of their victims while they were still alive. Most know they’re doomed, others are still unaware of what’s to come.

This picture of 14-year-old Regina Kay Walters was taken by serial killer Robert Ben Rhoades, who toured the country in an 18-wheeler equipped with a torture chamber in the back. Rhoades abducted Walters and her boyfriend, Ricky Lee Jones, who ran away together in Texas. This photo was taken in an abandoned Illinois barn, where Rhoades killed Walters after cutting off her hair and making her wear a black dress and heels. Jones’s body was never found.

Judith Dull, an aspiring model, was murdered by “Glamour Girl Killer” Harvey Glatman. Glatman moved to Los Angeles, where he posed as a professional photographer to lure girls into his hotel room with the promise of work. There, he tied them up, photographed them, and eventually killed them and dumped their bodies. Judith, 19 and divorced, showed up at Glatman’s under the premise that she would pose for a crime fiction magazine.

Shirley Ann Bridgeford, 24, met Glatman using a dating service called the Patty Sullivan Lonely Hearts Club. Glatman, using the name George Williams, picked Bridgeford up and told her that instead of going dancing as they’d planned, he’d take her on a drive around the countryside. Once at a remote spot, Glatman ordered Bridgeford out of the car and told her to undress. He then raped, photographed and humiliated her before strangling her to death, taking a few more pictures, and leaving her body.

Another killer posing as a photographer was William Richard Bradford. In 1984, while out on bail for a rape charge, Bradford met bartender Shari Miller. Promising to help her kick-start a modeling career, he took her to a scenic desert spot outside LA and snapped a few pictures before strangling her to death. He then cut off her tattoos and drove her body back to Hollywood, where he disposed of it in a dumpster. Though he was convicted in only two murders, including Miller’s, it is believed he’s responsible for around 50.

Bob Berdella, a serial killer who preferred male victims, kept 23-year-old Todd Stoops for two months, torturing him daily with electric shocks, anal penetration and other abuse. Berdella didn’t intentionally murder Stoops; the young man died as a result of the countless injuries inflicted by his assailant. After repeated rape, Stoops developed a rectal rupture and was bleeding profusely. Berdella treated him with animal antibiotics and injected Drano into his eyes.

Another of Berdella’s victims, Larry Pearson, was a male prostitute. He lived as Berdella’s sex slave for about six weeks and was more cooperative than the others. When he finally did try to escape, Berdella killed him.

Serial killer and necrophiliac Jerry Brudos took this photo of 19-year-old college student Karen Sprinker in his garage. He had kidnapped her from a department store parking lot and brought her to his house, where he made her model women’s underwear and pose for photos. He killed her by hanging her from a hook in his ceiling, then had sex with her body and cut off her breasts.

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Tag : Crime, Photo

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