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21 Creative , Cool and Unique Teapots Design

Drinking tea and  arranging tea parties have always been a favorite activity of the masses. The aroma and flavor of the tea enhances with the crockery used to serve and drink tea. The crockery expresses and describes a person’s taste and personality. Add a flavor to your tea using this interesting collection of teapots and tea sets.

1. Lipstick Stand Teapot

This teapot would catch everyone’s eye in a lady’s get together or coffee or tea party. It looks like a lipstick holder.

2. Animal Shaped Teapots

White Elephant Teapot
This cute yet classy teapot is available in $ 14 only.
Cigno Teapot
This swan shaped, classy, elegant and creative teapot is designed by the designer Adam Hammerman.
Cow Teapot
Mowing cow shaped, black and white teapot would be an interesting collection in your crockery. This teapot costs $24.95.

3. Egg Teapot

Egg Teapot
You can buy this cute teapot in $39.95.

4. Eye Ball Shaped Teapot

Eye Ball Teapot
This creative teapot has a ceramic base and stainless steel frame. It makes the tea table elegant and modern. It is Zygo Teapot by Shaun Redsar.

5. Mobile Phone Teapot

Mobile Phone Teapot

This teapot is created by The teapottery. It costs $47.7

6. Elegant Jeweled Teapot

Rutilated Teapot

This 7″ tall beautiful and elegant teapot, is an iridized glass vessel with fabricated sterling silver lid, handle and spout, rutilated quartz, amethyst, topaz, and aquamarine set in 22 karat gold, adorning the silver.

7. Pearls and Rose Set Teapots

Rose Teapot

Pearl Fountain Teapot

These elegant teapots are made entirely in silver. They are painted white and set with pearl fringe and vintage rhinestone brooches. Elegant handmade roses decorate the top and the front. This beautiful teapot is available in $97.99 at M.G. Collectibles.

8. Handbag Teapot

Handbag Teapot

This interesting teapot is designed by artist Meghan Runkle Bernard. It is not only for display but has a built-in tea strainer. In place of a purse closure is a detachable lid to pour hot liquid. It is available in three colors i.e. white, green and blue at a price of $189.00.

9. Pirates Teapot

Pirate Teapot
This crazy looking yet amazing teapot is an excellent gift item.

10. Skull Tea Set

Skull Teaset
This German made, funky looking 9 piece porcelain tea set consists of 6 espresso cups, 1 sugar bowl, 1 creamer and 1 teapot is available at a price of $297.99.

11. Telephone Booth Teapot

Telephone Booth Teapot
This cool teapot can be ordered at a price of $36.7.

12. Santa Claus Teapot

Santa Claus Teapot
Brighten your christmas with this Santa Claus teapot. The teapot is dishwasher safe, weighs 1.5 lbs and is 7 1/4″ x 4 1/2″ x 7″ high. It is available at a price of $10.43.

13. Mermaid Teapot

Mermaid Teapot
For all Mermaid fans, this beautiful teapot is within range at a price of $52.99.

14. Sports Car Teapot

Sports Car Teapot
This Sadler racing car is available in Bue “Mint” color at ebay in $410.31. 

15. Sapphire and Diamond Teapot

This unique and beautiful teapot, set in Sapphire and Diamonds is created by artist Donald Clark. The artist used  objects like foil, dice, game pieces, rings and faux jewels to add a jewel touch to the teapot. The teapot is a great gift for someone special and can be purchased for $975.
Silver, Gold and Diamond Tea Set
This elegant and beautiful teapot set in diamonds and made in silver and gold is a creation by Sharleen Spiteri, the vocalist and guitarist of the band Texas.

16. Halloween Teapot

Witch Teapot
Make your halloween party attractive and more interesting with amazing crockery made especially for the party. This teapot is available at a price of $59. For more details, you may follow the following link.

17. Teapot With Legs

Black Legs Black HatTeapot
This black legged teapot, deigned by Stephan Cox is made in blown and sculpted glass. It is priced at $6800. For more details, follow the link.
Teapot with Legs of Lady
This teapot named as “Blaue Blume Tea Pot from Undergrowth” is designed by Tina Tsang. It has a cost of $ 110.7. To see the entire collection, follow the link.

18. Heart Shaped Teapot For Your Belowed

Heart Teapot
Give this interesting teapot to your mother or wife and they will adore this gift. It is designed by the artist Romero Brinto and costs $54.5. You can place an order at the link.

19. Ink Pot Shaped Teapot

Ink Pot Teapot
This unique teapot can be ordered at the following link. It costs $85

20. Toilet Teapot

Toilet Teapot
This weird teapot comes from Tony Carter’s collection. It costs $132 and can be ordered via link.

21. Books and Tea Teapot

Books and Tea Teapot
Enjoy a cup of tea while reading your favourite book with the teapot. This teapot will express your taste and personality.

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